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                                                                           Testimonials for Crimson Arrows

"As editor for Bowhunter magazine, I read thousands of manuscripts, and above all I loved discovering a nugget among the dozens of new writers who submitted manuscripts. Eyad Yehyawi was one of those. From the beginning, he wrote well and exuded enthusiasm for bowhunting.

In his book, Crimson Arrows: A Bowhunting Odyssey, Yehyawi details his beginnings and growth as a bowhunter. He starts with whitetails and turkeys in his home state of Iowa and progresses to black bears, pronghorns, mule deer, elk, caribou, musk oxen, bison, and other species. All hunters can relate to his progression as a bowhunter and will find his stories compelling and fun to read."


-Dwight Schuh, former editor, Bowhunter magazine and member of the Bowhunters Hall of Fame

"As a magazine editor, I appreciate quality writing skills and Eyad’s “got game” when it comes to expressing himself with the written word. His writing serves as a clear window into the mindset of a bowhunter who treasures every exhilarating aspect of the pursuit of big game with a bow and arrow, right down to the smallest detail. Whether you’re looking for escape, adventure, or simply a richer understanding of what we do and why, Crimson Arrows is definitely worth your time."

-Curt Wells, editor, Bowhunter magazine

"Eyad 'killed' it in this very personal, and very thoughtfully written book that every bowhunter should own. He describes 'perfectly' the essence of bowhunting through a series of hunting experiences and some close calls. I loved this book!"

-Pat Lefemine, founder,

"Men have been telling hunting stories ever since we lived in caves. I thoroughly enjoyed this new book, full of one person’s love of adventure with a bow and arrow in hand. It proved to be very entertaining reading! I felt like I was right there with the author. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have."

-Gene Wensel, author of Buckskin and Bone and co-founder, Brothers of the Bow

"Crimson Arrows represents the spirit of bowhunting. It was "meant to take you to one place, right into the heart of a bowhunter."

-Joe Bell, author of Technical Bowhunting and former editor, Bow & Arrow Hunting magazine

"First published in 2017, Eyad Yehyawi’s Crimson Arrows provides an engaging account of the author’s progress from the beginning to the accomplished stages of his bowhunting career. While the book appropriately devotes plenty of space to the “backyard” species around his Midwestern home (whitetails, turkeys), it also transports the reader to the Far North in search of moose, musk ox, and mountain goat and even to Africa for a plains game hunt. People and places are portrayed as sharply as the game and the hunting, making Crimson Arrows an engrossing read throughout."

-E. Donnall Thomas Jr., author of The Double Helix and co-editor, Traditional Bowhunter magazine

"This is one of those rare honest books about the essence of the hunt. It is not about the glorification of the author, but rather an ethical examination of everything to do with one of the most natural and misunderstood pursuits we humans can and should do. This is especially true now that so many are interested in the green, natural, locavore movement. Crimson Arrows cuts right to the heart of the hunt. A great book, worthy of residing beside the greatest bowhunting works."

-Lou Phillippe

  Outdoor writer

“To be honest, the closest I've ever come to bowhunting is watching Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games. However, after reading Crimson Arrows, I think I'm a convert. In this compelling and excellently written memoir, the author, Eyad H. Yehyawi, works hard to put across the excitement and exhilaration of hunting big game with a bow and arrow. Although many people are opposed to any sort of blood sports, I think most readers will still find this not only educational but will also be impressed by the enthusiasm the writer has for this activity.


I was also very impressed by the author’s writing style. I often find with ‘sports’ books, the writing can be a little dull and clumsy. But that's not the case here. The author is a capable writer, delivering to the reader a bounty of information on how, why, where and when he hunts big game. After reading it, like me, you will come away understanding the mindset of this man and why he enjoys hunting in this way so very much.


So, can I recommend this book? Totally. Who to? Well, I think if you enjoy a good adventure yourself, you'll very much appreciate this man's journey. The book is, at the end of the day, a gripping read. And, even if the author's way of life is not for you, I still think most people will appreciate the author’s energy and determination in putting over his story. Reading this book is like sitting around a campfire and listening to a hunting story. It's a ‘back to basics’ sort of thing, and I, for one, loved it!”

-A Wishing Shelf Review ★★★★★

"The first thing one notices about Yehyawi’s writing is the sincerity; each story hums with personal touches and genuine emotion. He is able to dig through his memories, some from decades in the past, and pluck out striking moments of authenticity. It is one thing to recall and connect seminal events in one’s life, it is quite another to find wisdom in those experiences. Yehyawi writes with an original voice all his own that is both poetic and confident. The stories are not only a study in the skills required to be a truly great hunter, but also an homage to America, and the great wilderness that still exists here.

There is a long and proud tradition in this country for hunting, and wilderness bowhunting requires an even greater level of dedication and reverence. The author captures that energy and spirit beautifully in these pages. This book may be a portrait of the author through a specific lens, but hunting has clearly provided a formative code for his life. The guidelines forged through daunting trials and ecstatic successes extend far beyond the chapters of this book, or the boundaries of the forest. Whether Yehyawi was intending it to be or not, this collection is an impressive celebration of living well in all ways – and staying wild.

The writing is polished and clearly well-edited, and the stories flow at a good pace. The author is a man dedicated to his craft – both as a writer and a bowhunter – and both of those qualities come across powerfully in this collection. An emotive collection of adventure and personal exploration, Crimson Arrows may focus on becoming an expert in a particular sport, but it is also refreshing for an author to take such an unabashed look at their achievements and failings, and spill that truth so gracefully on the page."

-Self-Publishing Review ★★★★½

"Whether walking through southern forests or the frigid Arctic tundra, the elemental role of hunter and hunted within the human existence weaves throughout Crimson Arrows: A Bowhunting Odyssey. Yehyawi's stories reveal his desire to preserve these wildernesses and the respect for the people-and animals-that populate the wilds. The writing is lyrical and deftly captures the majesty of mountains, the solemnness of misty creek beds and the awe-inspiring vastness of the African wilderness. Crimson Arrows can be enjoyed as adventure tales, a heartfelt poem about the sacredness of the hunt or a 30-year journey about one man's passion. Regardless of how readers take in the tales, they are sure to be satisfied."

-IndieReader ★★★★

"Yehyawi's attention to detail engages readers, and his writing skills elevate the narrative. Bowhunters especially will enjoy the stories in Crimson Arrows—and lessons in life as well."

-BlueInk Review

"Crimson Arrows is a meditative but rousing reflection on a life devoted to hunting that will surely appeal to those with similar enthusiasms. The author communicates his adoration of bowhunting and the wilderness with an effusive, infectious love that can be moving. But the central theme of the book remains the pursuit of a fiery lodestar, a clarion call that provides a lifetime of excitement. Especially for outdoors fans, this is a thoughtful and affecting collection of reminiscences."

-Kirkus Reviews

"The stories in Crimson Arrows are fantastic...a bible in the bowhunting realm."  

-Feathered Quill Book Reviews

"Crimson Arrows is a beautiful work of storytelling that will appeal to anyone who has a personal connection to hunting with a bow and arrow."  

-Midwest Book Awards

"A fascinating insight into the life of a bowhunter. A FINALIST and highly recommended!"

-The Wishing Shelf Book Awards

"Crimson Arrows is one of the most well-written and interesting books I have edited during my career. The vivid narrative engages all your senses, making you feel as if you are right there with Yehyawi as he is bowhunting. I personally had a visceral reaction to both the emotions and the physical conditions the author shares in his 32 captivating stories. This book has potential for wide appeal—it’s not just a story about bowhunting but about nature, animal behavior, and physical and psychological challenges. Really super book."

-L. Wilhelm, editor, Writing Works,

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